The software TFAT gives you the next level in computer-based durability design. With its capabilities in fatigue life assessment based on results of finite-element analyses, TFAT gives the insights into your engineering components you need:
- hot spots for fatigue cracks and fatigue lives,
- efficient estimation of growth of small fatigue cracks in stress-gradients and
- Detailed understanding of the interaction of fatigue crack growth and structural behavior of the component.
The results will guide you to find new fatigue crack resistant designs without the need for time-consuming and costly trial-and-error hardware testing.
The multiaxial, mechanism-based model for TMF life prediction has been
implemented into the Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Analysis Tool, T-fat. It works as
post-processor for structural FEA results and reads results from the .odb or .RST
files. The software comes with a post-processor that allows for fast and efficient
results viewing and report generation including automatic identification of hot
spots. We are currently working on implementation of the fatigue-creep-oxidation
model of Sehitolgu as well.
The software TFAT is powerful: multi-axial loading, thermal and mechanical loading, high and low
frequency loading. It’s all included. To give you what you need, the software is modular and with
each module you will reach a new level.
Hot spots for fatigue cracks
- Multiaxial loading
- Contours of fatigue lives
- Automatic hot spot finder

Efficient estimation of small fatigue crack growth
- Automatic generation of crack path mesh
- Fatigue life contours on crack path
- Crack front estimation

Non-Linear Fracture Mechanics
The latest upcoming feature of TFAT is the Non-Linear Fracture Mechanics (NLFM) module. This module will allow engineers to simulate crack propagation based on non-linear energy release crack propagation theory.