Non-Linear Fracture Mechanics

At ADACS, we are currently working on state-of-the-art fracture mechanics methods for failure prediction.

Concepts based on energy-released rate such as the J-Integral are used to predict the rate of propagation of fatigue-driven cracks through component material.

Our software can predict the location and direction of crack initiation. It can then use fracture mechanics theory to predict the propagation of cracks based on sophisticated geometry modification and adaptive remeshing algorithms.

These tools can be used to accurately estimate the lifetime of components based on the precision of fracture mechanics theory.

Crack Advance Simulation

We have developed an advanced method of advancing non-planar cracks through iterative adaptive re-meshing using both native ADACS meshing tools or meshing products provided by Altair Engineering, Inc.

XFEM Integration

At ADACS, we provide a tool that automatically sets up an XFEM job for crack simulation using Abaqus.